Our most valuable thoughts are often those that arise by chance at the moments we least expect them.
There’s the brilliant business idea when you’re walking down the sidewalk, in no particular hurry to get where you’re going, merely taking in the sights and sounds. The drowsy midnight discovery that wakes you up from your pre-sleep hypnotic trance. The elevator epiphany. Traffic light insight. Bathtub revelation.
It’s these random moments that are the raison d’etre for the flâneur.
What is a flâneur, you ask?
The word is difficult (nearly impossible) to translate from French. French-English dictionaries define a flâneur as someone who strolls, loafs or idles, but that doesn’t do the term justice.
Let’s think of the flâneur as a connoisseur of the street—a highly observant urban wanderer who takes in everything they see as they seek experiences that fuel their creative minds.
The flâneur began as a literary figure and thanks to many commentators over the years, has evolved into an ideology that can be applied to our lives.
By thinking more like flâneurs, we can become more creative, simplify our decisions, start a business that earns us freedom and open up a whole new way of thinking.

Flâneur Meaning
Synonyms for flâneur include:
- Idler
- Loafer
- Stroller
- Lounger
- Dawdler
- Boulevardier
Note: Though some of these may seem to have a negative connotation, the term flâneur is generally now seen in a positive light and has been throughout history by a majority of the major commentators.
Let’s take a trip back in time and see what’s been said about the flâneur over the years.
The History of the Flaneur
The flâneur first began as a literary figure in the 1840s and since then has been theorized on by a number of thinkers across economic, philosophical, cultural and historical fields who each had their own unique take on the concept.
It’s been used as a tool over the years to help better understand urban life, modernity, individuality, and capitalism—and now it’s evolved into fully fledged way of thinking about the world.
To think, it all started with an Edgar Allen Poe tale.
Edgar Allen Poe (1840)
I felt singularly aroused, startled, fascinated. “How wild a history,” I said to myself, “is written within that bosom!” Then came a craving desire to keep the man in view—to know more of him.
Edgar Allen Poe (The Man of the Crowd)

In 1840, Edgar Allen Poe published a short story called The Man of the Crowd. It’s a tale told by a narrator who sits in a cafe perceptively people-watching, almost as if reading the soul of each person that passes by.
A mysterious older man walks by that immediately grabs the attention of the narrator, who proceeds to dash out to the streets and follow his new fascination in his sudden urge to know more.
The man leads the narrator through the London streets, aimlessly strolling all night through bazaars and shops, buying nothing and merely observing. The next morning, exhausted and confused by the man’s behaviors, the narrator stands directly in the path of the old man in an attempt to capture his attention.
But the old man doesn’t take notice and walks right on past as if he weren’t even there, implying that the two men—the observer and the stroller—are two sides of the same person.
In this story the word flâneur is never mentioned by Poe, but it did inspire Charles Baudelaire, his translator, to discuss the concept in his subsequent writing.
Charles Baudelaire (1845)
For the perfect flâneur, for the passionate spectator, it is an immense joy to set up house in the heart of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow of movement, in the midst of the fugitive and the infinite. To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world—impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define. The spectator is a prince who everywhere rejoices in his incognito. The lover of life makes the whole world his family.
Charles Baudelaire (The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays)

The Parisian writer Charles Baudelaire established the flâneur as a literary figure, referring to him as the “gentleman stroller of city streets.”
While others at this point in history had seen flâneurs in a negative light and tried to paint them as unmotivated, indecisive men, Baudelaire held the flâneur in high esteem.
A flâneur, to Baudelaire, was an artistic soul that helped us better understand and portray the relationship between the individual and the city. For him, it became suddenly possible to remain anonymous and autonomous even within the ebb and flow in the heart of a metropolis.
Walter Benjamin (1929)
[The flâneur] would be happy to trade all his knowledge of artists’ quarters, birthplaces and princely palaces for the scent of a single weathered threshold or the touch of a single tile – that which any old dog carries away.
Walter Benjamin (The Arcades Project)

Walter Benjamin was a philosopher and writer who adopted the concept of the flâneur spectator from Baudelaire. He saw the flâneur as an amateur detective-slash-journalist that worked to investigate the city with his highly astute observations. The street signs were his living room paintings and the newsstands his library.
Benjamin developed the concept of flânerie as this unique form of urban investigation. His flâneur was able to decipher city life as if it were a code to be cracked, scanning every street corner, every face and every wall in search of clues.
The flâneur, to Benjamin, was also a tool for interpreting modern capitalist culture.
Edmund White (2001)
[The flâneur is] by definition endowed with enormous leisure, someone who can take off a morning or an afternoon for undirected ambling, since a specific goal or a close rationing of time is antithetical to the true spirit of the flâneur.
Edmund White (The Flâneur: A Stroll through the Paradoxes of Paris)

American author Edmund White wrote a modern guidebook that opens up a version of Paris we would otherwise not see, taking us on a stroll through the city as seen through the eyes of the poetic flâneur.
The book is also filled with author commentary, where he at one point argues that “Americans are particularly ill-suited to be flâneurs.”
White discusses what he believes stops individuals from being flâneurs, including:
- Relentless urge toward self-improvement
- The need to constantly work
- Rigid agendas and itineraries
- Theories
Nassim Taleb (2004+)
[A flaneur is] someone who, unlike a tourist, makes a decision opportunistically at every step to revise his schedule (or his destination) so he can imbibe things based on new information obtained.
Nassim Taleb (Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder)

In his book Antifragile, Nassim Taleb introduces the concept of the rational flâneur—someone who doesn’t get locked into a given way of doing things. The opposite? A tourist.
Taleb’s flâneur is someone who seeks out optionality.
Because you can’t predict what’s going to happen, he argues, you stand to gain more by positioning yourself in such a way that you always have options (and preferably ones with great upside and little to no downside). That way you can evaluate once you have all the necessary information and make the most rational decision.
His flâneur is an experimenter, a master of trial and error. He’s a self-learner who is never the prisoner of a plan.
The rational flâneur merely needs to a) avoid things that hurt him, b) keep trying new things, and c) be able to recognize when he achieves a favorable outcome. In this way, he achieves freedom through opportunism.
Related: The Best Books About Flâneurs to Embrace the Art of Urban Wandering
What is a Flâneur? The Breakdown
The concept of the flâneur can also be seen as a metaphor for life. It’s a backlash against the overly logical, goal-driven attitude of the world. Thinking more like a flâneur allows us to maintain our freedom and our artistic, creative minds in a world that is increasingly pushing us to be by the book.
Let’s break down some of the characteristics of the flâneur:
1. A Flâneur is a Wanderer
A flâneur is someone who approaches life in a peripatetic manner.
peripatetic a: of, relating to, or given to walking b: moving or traveling from place to place
Flâneurs are true modern wanderers, balloon-like and at the whim of their own curiosity as they navigate the world.
They walk without purpose or itinerary, strolling from place to place perhaps basing themselves in particular locations for relatively short periods, or perhaps staying a while.
They are highly aware that the best things that happen in life happen as a matter of chance. This purposeless strolling opens the flâneur up to an infinite number of new chance encounters that otherwise would not arise.
Seeking the unexpected, they welcome the exhilaration of getting lost. Through this process, they’re able to find things unimagined or stumble across parts unknown.
In searching for what it is they don’t know, the flâneur is able to see beyond their immediate worldview. Counterintuitively, it’s through not seeking that the flâneur finds.
2. A Flâneur is an Observer
Flâneurs are passionate observers who thrive in environments that stimulate the visual senses.
With their discerning gaze and high observational skills, they’re able to see things that others fail to see. They go through life seeing the world as if for the first time, seeing things for what they are while remaining detached.
Every person they encounter conceals a story. Every sight they see hides a new insight. As they seek out what surprises them, they make discoveries. This is precisely what makes them great creators, teachers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders.
3. A Flâneur Focuses on the Immediate
Rather than being self-focused and thinking long term about personal goals, the flâneur looks externally. He thrives on the immediate, or as Baudelaire put it, “the tyranny of circumstance.”
4. A Flâneur is a Documentarian
A flâneur is the kind of person with many fascinating stories to tell.
Though flâneurs explore for the sake of their own personal enjoyment, they may document any knowledge or ideas they’ve extracted from their journeys in the hope that they may be of use for others.
Like reporters, flâneurs collect inspiration, images, thoughts, memories and experiences for future works. They record their impressions, share their learnings and document their failures. It’s in doing so they find their voice as creators and attract others who learn from their lessons or share similar interests.
5. A Flâneur is an Experimenter
Flâneurs know that real discovery is made when you’re living on your edge, and they’re not afraid to get out of their comfort zones and try new things.
It’s through experimentation that the flâneur finds freedom. They go through life conducting what Nassim Taleb calls “rational but undirected trial-and-error-based research,” maintaining their freedom yet staying opportunistic.
Flâneurs have a deep hunger for experience and are not afraid to get hurt. In fact, they’re highly aware that it’s by getting hurt or failing that they become more robust. Through seeking out randomness, life remains constantly exciting and inspirational.
As Taleb says, “Difficulty is what wakes up the genius.”
As long as they are able to think rationally, spot good outcomes when they arise and avoid things that greatly set them back, the flâneur will come out ahead.
6. A Flâneur is Streaming Life
Against strict enforcement of schedules and systems, the flâneur is not focused primarily on maximizing productivity or reaching a specific goal. There’s no need to overthink life or feel pressure to manage or plan out every hour of the day to be as productive as possible. Instead, they’re taking life in, letting it take them where it goes instead of needing to be in control all the time.
They don’t allow themselves to be made prisoners to appointments, plans or life situations.
Instead, flâneurs spend more time making real-time decisions as they come across new information. They live their lives in pursuit of open, flexible plans as opposed to living according to a strict, orderly itinerary.
In this way, they’re essentially streaming life.
7. A Flâneur Makes the Whole World Their Home
Flâneurs feel just as at home in the heart of the city as they do between the four walls of their dwellings. Their notion of home remains fluid and adaptable.
In doing so, they move beyond an identity that’s tied to geography and reinvent themselves as citizens of the world.
This very trait is what makes them such great observers. This level of empathy, tolerance, and connectedness leads to interactions and insights that would otherwise never arise.
8. A Flâneur Seeks Meaning
Flâneurs are in search of what makes them better.
Rather than a hedonistic search for the next hit of pleasure, the flâneur is in search of what resonates deeply with their inner self, and they remain secretly attuned to the true essence of things. Flânerie is not just about aimless wandering or being idle, it’s instead about seeking out what speaks to the soul.
Through observation and exploration, the flâneur comes to better understand himself and the world.
9. A Flâneur is Free
By definition, a flâneur is someone in possession of a large amount of leisure time, able to take their time to wander without restriction.
For the majority of us, it’s jobs or financial goals that restrict most of our time. So in order to completely remove ourselves from such strict schedules, it’s necessary to create some level of financial freedom.
Flâneurs may find ways to achieve financial freedom through entrepreneurship or through melding their passions with their work.
But ultimately the freedom flâneurs possess is a state of mind. It’s about slowing down and soaking up more of life, being more present to surroundings and finding inspiration from what excites. It’s the ability to shut off the voices in our heads and see things for how they really are—free from bias, judgment or ego.
Pastimes of the Flâneur
- Walking
- Observing
- Documenting
- Creating
- Writing
- Philosophizing
- Exploring
The Flâneur’s Credo
Randomness Trial and error Spontaneity Optionality Observation Presence Slowing down Focus on quality Insights Carving your own path Practice Obsession with experience Evolving goals Novel environments Exploration Improvisation Choice Lifestyle design | Predictability Memorization Pre-planned itineraries Touristification Mindless action Mindlessness Rushing Focus on quantity Sightseeing Cookie-cutter careers Theory Obsession with knowledge Rigid Goals Routine Productivity Scripts Schedules Status quo |
Similar and Related Terms to Flâneur
- Multipotentialite
- Polymath
- Dilettante
- Wanderer
- Renaissance man
- Digital nomad
- Vagabond
- Dandy
- Scanner
- Gypsy
- Badaud
Famous Flâneurs
Here is a list of some of the most creative and successful artists, creators and thinkers from history who epitomize the essence of the flâneur:
- Henry David Thoreau
- Nassim Taleb
- J.K. Rowling
- Albert Einstein
- Charles Darwin
- Aristotle
- William Wordsworth
- Pierre Trudeau
- Thomas Jefferson
- Virginia Woolf
- Soren Kierkegaard
- Guy Laliberté
- Socrates
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Ludwig Van Beethoven
- Rebecca Solnit
- Louise Lecavalier
- Leo Tolstoy
- Leonard Cohen
- Frederic Gros
- Steve McCurry
(Pssst…Have others to add? Would love to keep expanding this list. Let me know in the comments).
Why the World Needs More Flâneurs
As kids, we’re wide-eyed and curious, roaming freely and unburdened by life’s responsibilities. But as adults, life becomes increasingly rushed, pre-planned and devoid of randomness.
We’re constantly connected, over-informed and stuck in the predictable. We’ve become addicted to bite-sized information and allergic to deep, contemplative thought. In our businesses, we opt for predictable cookie-cutter solutions and quick Band-Aid fixes.
But it’s when we’re too focused on a certain way of doing things that we end up missing opportunities. Our obsession with organization and time management often means less brilliant creative solutions and more of the mediocre.
A lot of life is unpredictable and it’s through rational risk-taking that we create innovation and growth.
What if we adopted more of a flâneur mindset and took the long road to discovery? What if we slowed down more often to take in more of what’s going on around us? What if we set aside a little more time to recharge and reconnect, and to seek out that which inspires us?
Connect the Dots becomes a lot more interesting when you have more dots to play with.
So I say we embrace the chance encounters and go on more random adventures. We’re constantly evolving individuals, and we should be making more real time decisions.
Let’s start celebrating uncertainty and ditch the scripts, even for just a day.
Note: I called this an “Evolving Guide” partly because I consider it a work in progress and there’s lots I’m still learning. If you have anything to add or any comments, please do so. I’d like to keep this article continually updated and ever-evolving.
Related: A Collection of Quotes Related to Flâneurs
Originally Published: August 2, 2019
This Post Has 43 Comments
A friend posted a WSJ article about how walking and wondering can improve your happiness. I loved it so much that I copied/noted this text down, “Wanderer: “flâneur”—someone who wanders randomly through a big city, stumbling on new scenes. The flâneur has a long and honored literary history. The surrealists used to choose a Paris streetcar at random, ride to the end of the line and then walk around. And think of Mrs. Dalloway in London, Leopold Bloom in Dublin or Holden Caulfield in New York. But is there any scientific evidence for the benefit of “street-haunting,” as Virginia Woolf called it? A Study shows Happiness Correlates with GPS Data…the more you wander the happier the people reported. Also wandering in different types of neighborhoods/different demographics expanded experiential variability and widened awareness and happiness…seeing the glories of Urban Life.” I wish I had saved the article, but it is now behind a paywall.
Well, I found this notes and I just did a search for flâneur and found your amazing website and this essay. I feel so seen…and maybe even understand myself better! Thank you so much! I am an avid flåneur and photographer and collage artist (using my photography of course). Another person to add to your list is a famous photographer, Steve McCurry. He said, “My life is shaped by the urgent need to wander and observe, and my camera is my passport.”
Hey Beth! Glad you stumbled upon our little home on the internet here.
Love that snippet, thanks for sharing it (and I’m so glad you were able to take that with you before the paywall hid it from us).
I’ve just done some reasearch on Steve McCurry and I think that’s a fantastic suggestion. Updating the article so he’s in there!
Again, thanks for chiming in!
I am an artist, traveler, photographer, owned a business (art gallery) for 25 years and sold it 5 years ago. When I could I would wander and observe and since selling the business I’ve been fortunate to be able to do a lot of it the past few years. I write a blog which started out as a way to promote my artwork has morphed into primarily a travel blog. I recently returned from 2 weeks in Paris and a stranger stumbled upon my blog post about it. She is the person that introduced me to the word Flaneur calling me that. Like I said I always just called myself a wanderer and observer so was thrilled to have a word that describes me! I was telling my friend about it and trying to give a fuller definition of the word I stumbled upon your site. I love it thank you!
Wow Janet, you ARE a true flaneur!
I’m glad this stranger introduced you to the concept, it perfectly describes your life.
Thank you for stopping by here. I’m on my way to go check out your blog as well!
So I read a NYT article “The Art of Being A Flaneur” and was ruminating on applying this philosophy not just to travel, but to life. A few weeks later and a quick Google search led me here, and seems I’m not the only one with this idea…though you have taken this to entirely different level than I had been employing.
I’m not in a situation to change my job (I’m a teacher, it’s definitely my calling), so I’d started with a more modest approach. Doctor appointment? Can’t really skip out on that particular obligation, so I approached it from a place of curiosity. I had conversations with everyone I met, I asked many questions, and fully observed everything in the physical space. It was satisfying. Another example, a bit larger: I needed to make money during summer vacation (sadly would have been the perfect time for a 3-month dip into the flaneur life) so I took a job. I’ve always loved shopping at our local Co Op, and also wanted to make further connections in my community as I’m relatively new. I attempted to face each day with a bit of wonder….I’ve never worked before in an environment or at a task like this, so every day was new and fresh. From the products (local fresh produce! amazing bulk section! wellness corner), to the delightful co-workers and customers (no one was ever in a hurry, allowing for great human connection), it was a fantastic experience.
This isn’t I suppose the intention of this site, your aim is admirably larger, but even my small foray into the world of the flaneur has led to increased life satisfaction. Looking forward to exploring, learning more here!
Wow, Kara, this is incredible! I love your approach to applying the flaneur philosophy in your day-to-day life, and how we both came to similar conclusions.
It’s amazing how small shifts in mindset can lead to more happiness, and I don’t think travel necessarily needs to be a part of it. There’s so much exploration and observation to be done in one’s own backyard before venturing out into the world!
I am so glad serendipity brought you here, and likewise I’m looking forwward to connecting more with you and learning lots in the process. Thank you for dropping in!
Great suggestion, thank you!
Ah, The Ruins of Paris. 1977 by Jacque Reda. 1929………still with us. A major poet and Flaneur in and for our time.
Ah, what a great addition! I have updated the article accordingly. Thanks a lot Sva!
Hello – well I would like at add another candidate to be categorized as a possible Flaneur – one Frederic Gros. He writes a lovely discussion (a very long essay?) of walking through the world and could be a secret Flaneur (as many of them are shown to be). His brief but very full & over flowing book “A Philosophy of Walking” published by VERSO 2014 – translated by John Howe – is a delightful trek – a happy read and several major Flaneurs show up as essential participants. Cheers.
Hey Andrew, thanks for the great recommendation. I’ve come across that book, and agree that Frederic would be classified as a “secret flaneur”. I’ve updated the article accordingly. Cheers!
yes please. A flaneur life for me….
Yessir, it’s yours for the taking 🙂
Flannel trousers, bourgeois, strolling boulevard observing and musing on, but remote from, the foibles of the crowd.
I love this description, very well said.
Bourgeois? That would be the exact opposite of a Flaneur.
Thanks for chiming in! I think that’s the beauty of a flaneur, for example. The concept open to interpretation and different writers over the years had different takes. Benjamin, for example, discussed two types of flaneur – the affluent dilettante who dressed in dandy fashion, and the complete opposite, a more vagrant counterpart. Which you resonate with more is totally your call. I like to imagine the flaneur as someone who has financial success because to wander all day without concern for day-to-day live is unrealistic for most in the modern context.
I am a photographer and realise I’m also a Flaneur. Great, as I am preparing for the Phycology Festival in the UK to be held at Solent University. I did a photography Walk & Talk hosted at Brighton University and realised I am a Flaneur. Academics and students were amazed about how much is involved and to put your visions as a form of dialogue to third parties.
Hey Adam! This is so awesome to hear. Love the idea of a walk & talk as well, so very flaneur-like. Photography in general has a lot of overlap with the flaneur mindset, and I’m trying to get better at capturing moments for that reason.
Could not sleep through the night. Again. Thankfully, I rather ‘flaneured’ onto your site. Oh my. When I learn something new, at 71, I am blessed. I am so excited to share….
Hi Didi, I am so thankful you stumbled upon the site. I’m sure I would have a lot to learn from you as well. Please feel free to reach out using the contact page! Would love to hear from you.
The idea of being a flaneur is like brainstorming with the environment and sharing bold ideas with it. As a writer and a blogger, this is a headway to create more inspiration in what I do.
Well said! The flaneur to me represents much of the same, and using the power of observation is an immediate source of inspiration and creativity. Thanks for dropping by the blog.
Henry Miller epitomized flanneuring. His random writing style even reflects the concept.
Hey Chris, awesome! From what I know of him, that’s 100% true. After my current work stint, I plan to catch up my reading and devour a few books. Will add one of his to my list. Would you recommend Tropic of Cancer as an intro?
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I really enjoined of article. who is its writer?
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